Revenue from Google adsense

Revenue from Google adsense



How do I legally receive money from YouTube and Google? Do I need a company? It's about Google -> adsense, youtube ads that appear before the videos.

Thanks in advance!

google, revenue, taxes, Ltd., accounting services, Varna, Ruse, Plovdiv, Burgas, Sofia




In this case you will have to register a company (Ltd. - Limited Liability Company).

As taxes you will owe 10% profit tax (realized income less expenses incurred in connection with the company's activities). If you want to distribute the profit made by the company to you, as the owner of the company (ie to take the money earned by the company), you will have to pay an additional 5% dividend tax.

You will also need to insure yourself as a self-employed person (SAL). The minimum monthly amount you will have to insure yourself on is the minimum wage.

Since you will provide a service and accordingly receive income from a legal entity that is registered within the European Union (EU), but outside Bulgaria, the company will be subject to mandatory VAT registration under a special regime (Article 97a of the law for VAT). In this registration mode you will not owe VAT on your income, but you will have to declare it monthly. You will only owe VAT on the value of the services you receive from persons outside Bulgaria (if you receive such services).

We hope we have been helpful to you.


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