On-line consultations
Ask your question regarding accounting, taxation, social insurance or any other case related to your company business. Please describe the case as detailed as possible, so in reply we can give you a particular solution, and not one as a rule. Should you have any difficulties with filling out the question form, you can contact us on the contact details on the website. Your questions and their answers will be published unless explicitly stated otherwise by you. Your personal details will not be published in any case. Apart from the question form, you can obtain free advice on the company Skype account: b_and_si_service, as well. Do not hesitate to visit us at the company adress and do not forget that the first consultation in the office is FREE!
The answers to your questions would not represent an official interpretation of the legislation of the Republic of Bulgaria, and our accounting company has no responsibility for damages and missed benefits due to decisions taken on the basis of any answers published in the present section. We reserve the right to refrain from answering questions related to departures from taxation, concealment of income and any other actions forbidden by the Bulgarian legislation.