Does maternity stop when doing a side business?
Does maternity stop when doing a side business?
I work in a pharmaceutical company, but I am currently on maternity leave - first year. On the side, for now non-professionally, I do knitting. I have researched how I can register as a tradesman, but I am not clear on the following: If I register as a journeyman and do not develop an activity during the time I am on maternity leave, will this be grounds for stopping the maternity benefits I receive as a worker person or will not have an impact?
Thanks in advance!
It's no problem to register as a journeyman. When you start your real activity and the corresponding insurance, your compensation for temporary incapacity for work due to pregnancy and childbirth (the first 135 days) will be suspended. If you perform an activity other than that for which you are on maternity leave in the period after the 135th day until the child reaches the age of 2 and if you are not insured for general illness and maternity, there will be no reason for the National Insurance Institute to stop your benefit .
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